Friday, June 25, 2010


If, after a long night of drinking Drano, I decided to throw my time and money away into a failing business model known as a "game store," I would call it D&D Games. The "D&D" would stand for "Dice & Deodorant" and would require everyone to bring both of those items with them in order to be allowed entry into the store.

The gaming industry is rife with stereotypes, but as we know, stereotypes come from SOMEWHERE. And as someone who was once paid to visit independently owned game stores across the country, I can assure you that those labels are right on the money. Not everyone who is called a "gamer" has a problem with hygiene, a few bad apples...

What's worse is the number of people who show up to play, and simply don't bring their rulebook or dice or tape measure (which they DO own), and ask the staff to borrow theirs. I was going to make the point that these people remembered to dress and feed themselves, and how could they forget the essential components to the very activity they planned to do that day, but I can't say that with a straight face. Some people BARELY dress or feed themselves before coming to the game store.

My next entry will focus on why I like to game at home.

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